Think not-thinking. How do you do that? Beyond thinking.

In his essay, Fukanzazengi (Recommending Zazen to all People), our 13th century Japanese ancestor, Eihei Dogen instructs us in this way: Once you have adjusted your posture, settle into a steady, immovable sitting position. Think of not-thinking. How do you think of not-thinking? Beyond Thinking. This in itself is the essential art of zazen. This …

Zen 101, Has a dog Buddha Nature or not? MU!!!!

Here we are in week two of our month-long Zen 101 Course, together diving deeply into unknown waters. Many of us, never having encountered Zen meditation before, let alone these pesky things called koans. And we are presented with this: A monk once asked Master Joshu, “Has a dog the Buddha nature or not?” Joshu …

Eihei Dogen’s Being Time

The above image is from an art piece I did based on Zen Master Dogen’s essay, Uji. The closest translation in English is “Being Time,” or as seen above, “The Time Being.” Eihei Dogen was a 13th century Japanese teacher who wrote extensively about Zen, and happens to be my favorite writer of all time. …